

H ieronder artikelen, interviews, video’s, etc. als aanvullend bronmateriaal voor diverse thema’s die op deze website genoemd worden.

Anne Graham Lotz: Advice for Women in Ministry

Video: Advice for Women in Ministry by Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham

Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of evangelist Billy Graham, answers the question – “How does a woman get started in ministry?” This excerpt is taken from an interview in the “Principles of Leadership.”

Rich Nathan: Women as Senior Pastors

Video: Women Can’t Serve as Senior Pastors, Can They?

There are very few teachings in the history of the Christian church that have created more problems then the false belief that God has set up the human race so that woman can not participate in church leadership. Pastor Rich breaks the myth that only men can be pastors by exploring the proper historical setting and meaning of 1 Timothy 2. In this passage we see that Paul does not believe that the criteria for leadership is based on any one person’s human merit, ethnic origin, social status or gender, but instead based on someone’s calling, character and competence. Paul’s writing in 1 Timothy 2 in not a universal prohibition against women at all times, in all places, and in all settings from preaching, leading, or being a senior pastor. What it is in fact is a prohibition against women and against men from doing anything in any place which will undermine the mission of the gospel. The situation that Paul is addressing is specific to the time and setting of Ephesus.

N.T. Wright: Women in Ministry (Rm 16, 1Cn 14 en Jh 20)

Video: Women In Ministry

Bishop Wright advocates for the full participation of women in the life of the Church. Citing the examples of Junia as an apostle and Phoebe as a deacon in Romans 16, and the commissioning of Mary Magdelene as the first person to announce the resurrection of Jesus in John 20, he believes that the biblical evidence supporting women in leadership is overwhelming.

Gerald Bruins Nederlands Dagblad:

PDF: Gerald Bruins Nederlands mei 2011

Conferentie en boekpresentatie hernieuwde uitgave Waarom geen vrouwen, 28 mei 2011

Jeff Fountain: Recovering Herstory, 30 mei

PDF: Jeff Fountain Weekly Word ‘Recovering Herstory’ 30 mei 2011

Fountain (journalist, historicus, directeur Schumann Center) geeft een impressie van de invloed die vrouwen hebben gehad in de geschiedenis en concludeert dat er een groot hiaat is in de geschiedschrijving w.b. de rol die vrouwen gespeeld hebben.

Jeff Fountain: Recovering Herstory, 04 jul

PDF: Jeff Fountain Weekly Word ‘Recovering Herstory’ 04 jul 2011

Vergeten namen van vrouwen die van grote invloed waren worden door Fountain belicht:
Brigid of Kildare, Hilda, Lioba, en meer bekende namen: Elisabeth van Thuringen en Katherina van Bora. Bijzonder om in het huis van Katherina geweest te zijn (Wittenberg): een aanrader!

Jeff Fountain: Recovering Herstory, 11 jul

PDF: Jeff Fountain Weekly Word ‘Recovering Herstory’ 11 jul 2011

Over Anna Nitschmann, de vrouw van Von Zinzendorf (Hernhutt), Regula, Exuperantia, Irene Laure en Hildegard van Bingen en de inspirerende levens die ze geleid hebben…